Monday, January 22, 2007

My life

This comic pretty much sums up my life during the week in three frames. (Click on the picture for a better look)



Anonymous said...

We're not worried, Matt. You're a
very good "endurer". I love this
comic strip. He really has a problem with his Mom & Dad. Not to worry, this too shall pass!!!!!
Love you, xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Dearest Matthew,
I know exactly how you feel... I remember it well. Not fondly, but well nonetheless. Just think of it this way: college will be a breeze in comparison to the stuff you're doing at Stevenson. I have total confidence in you that you will get through the rest of your semester with flying colors. And remember: if you need help with your Spanish, I'm here.

Anonymous said...

i think one of the best differences between high school and college is that you can set your own class schedule...if you don't want to be in class at 8:00, you don't have to be!