Sunday, January 07, 2007

BJ is here--2007 style

So, how does 2007 feel to everybody? Seven is my lucky number so I have a feeling that this will be an awesome year for our family. 14, 17 and 21 are also lucky numbers of mine so I'll be making this same bold prediction in 2014, 2017 and 2021. Don't say I didn't warn you!

I would like to take a moment and congratulate Paige for making the first post of 2007. Bravo Paige, way to get the Slaw ball rolling! Sara responded to Paigey's post by asking if any of us had made any New Year's resolutions. I didn't officially write any down, but I did make a couple of mental resolutions (other than winning the lottery, which I resolve to do every year, and yet don't buy lottery tickets) that I would like to share

1. Stay busy. This is along the same vein with my Mom's "Just Do It!" slogan for 2007. Busy BJ = Cool BJ. It's that simple. So far so good. I returned to Des Moines last Tuesday and had something going on Wednesday-Saturday night. I didn't have plans with anyone today, but I did go out for a late lunch. I'm allowed one day a week to recover!

2. Put myself out there. That's right ladies, BJ is back on the open market. Be sure to tell all your friends:) I actually put up a profile on Yahoo! Personals right before the new year, and I have my first date lined up for this Tuesday. I'm working quickly so that I don't talk myself out of it! This girl grew up bowling and playing golf since the age of 7--talk about a needle in a haystack!

3. Keep my family informed. You are all the most important people in my life and I don't want a little thing like my living out in corn country to get in the way of sharing my life and love with the fam. I have a trip booked to see G-rents out in Palm Desert, California and I know they are already planning their interrogation. I want the rest of you to do the same. Call or write me anytime with questions or thoughts. I will be better about responding. That reminds me--Leah, I owe you a phone call girl!

Well, I hope everyone is off to a healthy start to the new year. Love and hugs to all, BJ:)


Anonymous said...

BJ- I really like your third resolution- keep the family informed- the real reason I started this blog. (I hope that resolution catches on!) I will admit that I haven't been the best blogger as of late, but once finals are over I have some time to compress, blogging will move up the priority list. I also feel like I'm a really bad procrastinator (not that there's really a good procrastinator), I am going to work on that this year. Maybe by college I will be able to change my habits...maybe....As of now, I still have some work to do on that resolution because I wanted to do this on the first, so I guess I have already procrastinated. Oh well, there's always next year...;)

Anonymous said...

typo..."compress" should be "decompress"- I guess proofreading should be another resolution...

Anonymous said...

What a great post BJ! I am resolved to check this blog more often so that I don't miss all the good stuff! We need to keep reminding each other to do it. This does seem to be a big year for many of us. It is a time of transition. New jobs, new schools, new homes......every new year brings renewed hope of lots of good things to come. And, we must be instrumental in making those good things happen. So, I will try to be as proactive as possible to make good things happen. Wow! That's a challenge. But, BJ, you have inspired me! So, good luck to everyone in 2007. Don't forget to save October 20th for Lizzy's bat mitzvah. Love, Jeri

Anonymous said...

It sure was a pleasant surprise to find a Blog from you, B.J. I check it all the time and so far there hasn't been anything from anyone except Paige who started off the New Year. Yes, we are all looking forward to the many happy happenings that are going on in all
of our lives. Yes, as the Wise One
has said "live one day at a time"
Please continue staying in touch and keeping us posted. We love hearing from you. xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Yeah Matt, quit doggin' on your bloggin', haha:) Making a post on the family blog did feel really good. Only 285 days until Lizzy becomes a woman!

Anonymous said...

Wow! BJ, you are an inspiration. Sara is a nag - She keeps nagging me to check the blog and I will try.

To All: BJ mentioned my new year's reVolution (per Jakey!). I plagerized Nike this year...JUST DO IT! I am an expert procrastinator. Not a skill I'm very proud of. So to try to affect some positive changes I keep repeating to myself "Just do it, Laurie...Just do it.) I have been modestly successful, but mostly I ignore myself (just like everyone else does!)

I'm curious to hear others' resolutions. Sometimes when you share them you have more incentive to try to keep them!

Love to all,

Anonymous said...

bj, i liked number 3 the best but I have to admit, number 2 was pretty funny. Good luck, Thursday! oh, thanks for keeping track on the days. I start the tutoring in about 2 weeks! Can't wait to study more Hebrew! Ha! Also, thanks for blogging, I haven't been on in a while but it was great to see one from you.