Friday, September 25, 2009

kim's life in the lou

I have been living in St. Louis for 10 weeks now (WOW) and I haven't really talked about it on here yet!

My roommate, Bethany, and I get along wonderfully! She is one of my closest friends and everything in the apartment is going very well. There are very few things we have done without each other. I am so lucky to have ended up living with someone who is so much like me! I've never had such an easy going living situation.

School is going well, in general. I have made a group of great friends; we got close very quickly because we are all going through the same thing and spend all day together at school and in the library. On an average day I am at school from about 8am-6pm, but there are plenty of days that I stay until 10 or 11. I have been trying to mix up where I study, but the school library is convenient, my classmates are nearby, and there's free coffee down the hall, so I usually stick around there. My only real class right now is Anatomy. The course block is 10 weeks long, so now I only have 3 weeks left! I cannot wait. This is by far the most difficult class I have ever taken.

Once a week we also have a class called Applied Clinical Skills, which is when they teach us the non-scientific things about being a doctor: how to take a history, how to treat special issues, etc. Also, my school sponsors a student-run clinic, and I volunteered there a couple weekends ago. It was amazing because I basically got to play doctor! We had licensed doctors there as well, but I greeted the patient in the waiting room, did the initial physical exam (eye test, hearing test, blood pressure, pulse, temperature...), and took the history. I really loved doing that!

We just had our second (out of 3) anatomy exams yesterday, so I am taking this weekend completely off. This is the first official weekend of fall, and it couldn't be better timing for me to finally have time because the weather is beautiful! I live near a huge park...the biggest one in the I plan on taking advantage of that at some point. I have been there a few times already- when BJ came to visit we checked out the art museum there, my mom and I went to the zoo, and I've wandered about with my friends. I haven't been able to do nearly as much St. Louis exploring as I did when BJ was here...we had such a great visit! We went to that museum, had stl-style pizza in the italian neighborhood known as the Hill, did the touristy arch thing, and went to a Cardinals game! With a group of school friends I went to a concert under the arch, I went to the Anheiser-Busch brewery, and we've done some exploring of the nightlife.

Even though school is so much work, and at times I feel like I have no life at all, I am very happy here. It's hard being so far away from my family, but I try to stay caught up on what everybody is up to. I would like to congratulate Jamie for being initiated in SDT today! And it was strange hearing about the Atlanta flooding and knowing I wouldn't experience it at all. Seriously, though, I feel like I have really found my place (not St. Louis, necessarily, but med school...) and I am looking forward to every step of this long road.

I hope everyone else is doing well and I would LOVE to have a good variety of updates to read on else am I supposed to know what's going on in your lives??? Even if you think it's not worth writing about, I think most of us would disagree.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy New Year!

L'shana Tova, I wish everyone a happy and healthy upcoming year!
Love, Paige

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jessie!

Hope you have a great day!

Camp Slaw 2008


Whew- ok I think we're covered on the birthdays for at least a little while...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Happy Birthday, Devin!

Hope you have a great day and a good start to the school year. Looking forward to you keeping us posted on what's going on in your life on the blog.


Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Happy Birthday Kim!

Happy Birthday, Kim! We hope your first birthday as a medical student has been a good one. It was great seeing you last weekend, and we can't wait to see you in December if not sooner. Have a wonderful birthday!!! Love, sara and eric