Monday, September 03, 2007

My dorm!

Hello everyone! Thanks for all of the birthday wishes! U of M is fantastic so far...I start classes tomorrow morning so I'll let you all know how they go! Anyway, here are a few requested pictures of my dorm! Enjoy!

My Desk:

My Bed:

Birthday Balloons:

My Dresser


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the pix. Your room looks terrific. Good luck with your classes! I hope that you had a great b-day. Love, Aunt Jeri

Anonymous said...

i miss you devy!!!

your room looks so cute though...very you!

hopefully i'll be able to come visit...

Anonymous said...

It looks like you've been living there for ages. It looks very comfy and cozy. Hope you had a great birthday with your new friends. Try and find people from
Chicago who have a car!!! Be sure
to stay in touch.
With love,

Anonymous said...

Your room is a perfect reflection of you! Isn't it amazing how much stuff you can fit into a dorm room? I'll bet you never thought you could live in such a small space. I hope you get along well with your roommate. Enjoy the whole experience of college. Before you know it you will be looking back and wondering how the four years went so quickly.

Anonymous said...

Devs, your dorm room looks so adorable! Boy do I miss those days! Actually, who am I kidding, my studio apartment is more or less a glorified dorm room :) Hope you're having fun and meeting nice people. Keep us posted on how classes go. Love, Sara

Anonymous said...

Hey Dev!
Your room looks great. I really enjoyed living in the dorm my freshman year and was fortunate to have a roommate that I got along great with. I hope you have just as positive of an experience. Good luck with classes :)


Anonymous said...

Very cool decorating! enjoy these years. Love, Aunt Joan