Monday, June 25, 2007

"Iron Mike" does it again

Mike White- our Uncle Mike White- in a gritty all-star performance, has completed yet another triathlon. When I asked him what his goal was for this event, he said, "I don't have a goal. I just try to do the best I can do." From where I am standing, he accomplished his goal, finishing first in his age division (of which there are at least 2 members :) ). Also worth noting, he is planning on being a running partner for a visually handicapped friend. An athlete and a volunteer- is there anything "Iron Mike" can't do?


(sorry uncle mike, I tried to keep it low key)


Anonymous said...

Yeah, my dad usually likes to fly under the radar, but Matt just wasn't going to let that happen this time! Dad, I'm very proud of your accomplishments. And in this case, I can't say "like daughter, like father," unfortunately :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Those triathlons are really hard. Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Dad! Matt, thanks for writing up such a good synopsis. FYI: there were 9 people in his age division AND he knocked 4 minutes off from his finishing time 2 weeks ago. Amazing! Love you Dad...

Anonymous said...

see for the exact race results

Anonymous said...

I was there! And if someone can tell me how to attach a picture to this blog, I'll show you Michael in action!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Mike is a definite inspiration to me. I am very lucky as he has even taken some time to help me learn some strength moves at the health club. He is in great shape and now he is "giving back" big time to his community. A true inspiration. Retirement seems to agree with him! Congrats on an awesome triathlon!

Anonymous said...

WHAT A GUY !!!!!!!