Thursday, November 29, 2007

A quarter to remember

As some of you may already know, my first quarter (trimester) of school is coming to a close. It was a time defined by transition- from living at home to sharing a room in a dorm, from eating home cooked meals to eating meals that may or may not be cooked, from a 'frats are not for me' person to a 'rush-er', from a non-sports medicine person to an sports medicine person. Some of these transitions required a bit of adjustment; some may define a good deal of my entire career here at Northwestern.

Looking back at my classes, I realize that I really don't have any complaints. I can honestly say I enjoyed the small class discussions in my 'Values of Biodiversity' seminar, and cutting down blackthorn one Saturday afternoon wasn't bad either. My psychology class was more of a standard college class, and although we went through the material pretty quickly, the lectures weren't too bad and I think I learned a lot (I'm actually considering minoring in psychology, but I don't have to decide for some time). The meat of my time spent here, though, has been given to the study of Organic Chemistry, which I knew going in was going to be a challenge (and a requirement for Med School). Fortunately, I have been pretty successful (i.e. ahead of the curve) in the class up to this point, which gives me some confidence going into the next two quarters.

Looking to the next few weeks, I'm excited to end the quarter and enjoy the holidays at home for a while (speaking of transitions, our home itself is one big work-in-progress). Now, about the holidays- I guess just Chanukah for this blog- I was thinking about maybe incorporating some part of the cousin exchange into the blog. Of course, everything would be done anonymously, but I think it might be nice for each cousin to post something relating to their person- be it in writing or a picture or whatever. If anyone has any ideas, I would like to hear about them (hint...comments).

Anyways, I hope everyone is doing well and I am looking forward to seeing and/or hearing from everyone in the coming weeks.



Anonymous said...

Matt, your first quarter at college certainly does sound memorable. I didn't realize you were rushing a frat?! Which one? Anyway, I'm very much looking forward to Hanukkah too! However, seeing how participation is on the blog (i.e. most cousins don't participate, at least not on a regular basis), I don't think it would be wise to post anything about our cousin for the cousin exchange. Not trying to be a scrooge, just a realist. For example, you and I would probably be the first to post something about our secret cousin, and then it would not be so secret anymore :) I like your ingenuity, though. That kind of thinking is going to take you far in life!
Love, sara

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Sara- I was thinking we would need full or almost full participation for it too work. That is a good point.

The frat is AEpi by the way

Anonymous said...

This has been a quarter to remember. A time for transitions for you and for our whole family. Time marches on. Things change. I don't embrace change. In general, I don't like it. But, I must accept it. I am working on it! I actually think I am doing better. So, yes, it has been a quarter to remember. Jeri

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Matt. For some reason I didn't see your "post". I guess I've been involved with my shopping and more shopping. I must say that I alone am helping the economy! I agree with Sara on her comments regarding the participation on the Blog. I can't believe you're finishing your first
quarter...As I've told you before, if medicine doesn't work out you can always start writing the great
American novel. We're looking forward to our family get-together
Did you know that Jen and Rob are coming in? (yeah)We'll see you soon...Much Love, xxxxxxx