Monday, September 04, 2006

G'day Mates!

Hey everyone! This website makes me really happy! I'm sorry that it took me so long to check it out! Anyway, thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a really great birthday weekend! Friday night, I had a campout in the backyard with about 10 of my good friends. We played guitar and sang, roasted marshmallows, played karaoke, played twister, watched disney movies, told ghost stories, and slept in tents! It was the perfect way to turn 18, reenacting all of the things I used to (and still do!) love to do. Saturday, I hung out with Jonathan and then he took me out to dinner at a Japanese restaurant where they sang to me and made me wear a funny wig! Other than this weekend, my life has been pretty hectic. School is tough, college applications are never-ending, and I got a job! I work at Java U- a coffee shop. I make coffee, salads, and work at the register. It makes my life more stressful but I like it. I think that that is about all for now. I will check back again soon! I miss and love you all!
devin =)


Anonymous said...

Devin- it's nice to hear from you, and I hope you will become a "regular" blogger and share your thoughts on life.

Speaking of "G'day Mates"- a moment of silence for our favorite croc hunter -Steve Irwin- who passed away at the hands (or tail) of a poisonous sting ray

Anonymous said...

Devin! Your first post on the Slawblog was both great and powerful, if I may be so bold:)
Nothing like roasting Disney movies and watching marshmallows to celebrate a bday! Uh, er, wait a minute...

Let me know when you're ready to have a college application processed here at Drake. I'll make sure your application receives the royal treatment it deserves!