Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Downtown at the Sox Game and Navy Pier

Over the past week, I've been in downtown Chicago a couple times, taking in baseball games, fireworks, and fireworks at baseball games (they have fireworks at U.S. Cellular Field where the White Sox play).

Attending the Cubs-Sox affair were myself, Dad, Jake, and my friend Brian. We left just early enough to miss the White Sox win the game, and we beat out most of the traffic after the game, so that was a win-win scenario.

On July 3rd, I was downtown with some friends, hanging out at my friend Michael Kryger's apartment/patio. We had some bbq before walking through the streets of the city and enjoying the Indepedence day festivities at Navy Pier. (And we couldn't help having a little fun before the fireworks, too.)



Gram and Gramp said...

What great pictures !!! The last time that I was on Navy Pier was in 1947. I was going to the University of Illinois for classes as I couldn't find a room in those days downstate. I can only remember how bitter cold it was and so very depressing. Believe it or not, I've never been to the Sox stadium. Am I missing something?? Thanks for fixing my computer, Matt. It works better than ever. My next project for you will be our t.v's. We'll be seeing you soon. Love, Gram............ xxxxx

Jeri said...

Nice seats at the game. The city looks beautiful in your photos. Keep on blogging! I think that the family is mia based on the number of comments I am seeing! Where is everyone?????

Laurie said...

I'm here! I try to check the blog on the weekend and I'm always delighted when somebody posts some news.

Matt's posts are always entertaining! Thanks, Matthew! I'm glad to see that you're getting out and enjoying the city with your friends. Remember that you are only young once!