I wanted to let everyone know that Daniel received 4 awards last week at Stevenson's Senior Award night. He got an award in English, Chemistry, Math, and Spanish. This was very exciting! We are incredibly proud. I know that he will continue his stellar academic career at U of I.
Lizzy is one of 10 nominees for Daniel Wright's most prestigious student of the year awards. It is a big honor to be nominated. The winner will be announced at graduation. In any case, she is already a winner in my book! There will be no stopping her at Stevenson!!
Just wanted to share! Jeri
Congrats to my sibs for doing such great work at school. You two have exemplified what it takes to succeed at the next level- be it high school or college. The only thing now is to perform to your greatest potential when you get there.
Wow, I'm impressed! Congratulations Daniel on your awards and Lizzy on your nomination. As my mom would say, don't be afraid to shine, and you are both doing just that!
Congratulations to both of you! Good luck, lizzy. I hope you win.
ummm...i'm not sure i received any senior awards a stevenson, let alone 4! Being a standout in that school is not easy! Way to go!!! Lizzy- I'm fully confident you wil do just as well. Congrats to both of you.
Hooray for All-Purpose Daniel! He shines in so many ways!
Hooray for Lizzy! All-around wonderful!
Congrats to the proud parents who raised amazing kids! Laurie
congrats to both of you!
Well done! Now I'd like to hear about your graduations! I heard they were nice. Lots of graduations going on.....exciting times for all of you!
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