Thursday, April 09, 2009

Above are these really neat images of the words used in the titles of the posts on the Blog. The larger the word, the more often it is used (obviously, we use the blog a lot for birthday wishes). My roommate Scott introduced me to the website (, and I thought theses images it created from our blog were really neat.

And here's a tip: click on the picture for a closer view so you can read most of the words!

Also, happy 200th post!



Paige said...

Those are so cool! Thanks for introducing the site to us, Matt.

Gram and Gramps said...

It's unbelievable what you can do with a computer, Matt. This is quite amazing. We were happy that you joined us last night. Hope all continues to go well at school. With love, X X X X

sara said...

Very cool, Matt! I like these a lot. Perhaps in your spare time (ha ha) you could do some free lance work in graphic design and digital photography videos!!!