Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day!

Hello everyone! 
I just thought I would wish you all a happy valentine's day! 
How is everyone celebrating? I am going out tonight with a bunch of girls and getting some chocolate fondue! 
I hope you have a LOVEly day! 



Anonymous said...

I made dinner for Eric (heart-shaped meatloaf and spinach mashed potatoes). He was quite impressed with my culinary efforts. Eric made a fruit pastry dessert that was delicious. Also, Eric gave me flowers the day before Valentine's Day (very clever to catch me off guard)! Today we are going to the White House to open wedding response cards - did you all get yours in?!? It was great to see many of you at our shower last weekend. We had a delightful time. Looking forward to more festivities just around the corner! Love you all

Anonymous said...

I came home from work to find Sara in the kitchen preparing what turned out to be quite a feast. I was exceptionally impressed. Sara and I toasted to a glass wine, (sara actually took a sip, which was followed by a big yucky face). She made a heart-shaped meatloaf which not only looked good, it tasted great. After dinner, we exchanged gifts, listened to music and practiced one of our newly learned dance moves, the foxtrot.

This morning the celebration continued. She made me french toast. I could get used to this.
See you all soon.

Anonymous said...

I spent my Valentine's day doing homework and then a walk around the autoshow. Jake was very excited to take the train. Not quite a romantic evening like Sara and Eric, but it was okay. I did eat a lot of chocolate which is always delicious. Hope to see you all soon!

Anonymous said...

i had chocolate fondue too!

Anonymous said...

Michael was supposed to be out of town over Valentine's weekend. When his trip was cancelled, he had to scramble to plan something. He did a great job and we had a lovely time. First we went to Philly G's for dinner. Then we went to the Royal George Theater to see Don't Dress for Dinner. It was a very funny play. We laughed a lot. Felt good. Thanks to Michael, I had a lovely Valentine's Day.

Love to all my loved ones. Laurie