Slaw Family Website v3.0: I always intended this blog to accurately reflect our family, and as our family changes, so does the blog. Posting and commenting are the same. The look is different.
That was hilarious stuff! It reminded me of the good ol' days when Sara, Leah and I would build snow forts on opposite sides of the 1668 Central driveway and engage in epic snowball battles which would inevitably conclude with Leah getting hurt in some way.
Hahaha!!! You guys are hillarious! It was cool to see what Lizzy would look like with short hair (random observation). I love when people collaborate to create a post!
BJ's comment also reminded me of when we would play kickie ball in the basement, and it would invariably end with someone getting hurt. Good times :)
That was hilarious! I actually laughed out loud. Job well done guys. It's funny to think that I actually liked being out in the snow when I was a kid. Now not so much.
That was hilarious stuff! It reminded me of the good ol' days when Sara, Leah and I would build snow forts on opposite sides of the 1668 Central driveway and engage in epic snowball battles which would inevitably conclude with Leah getting hurt in some way.
Hahaha!!! You guys are hillarious! It was cool to see what Lizzy would look like with short hair (random observation). I love when people collaborate to create a post!
BJ's comment also reminded me of when we would play kickie ball in the basement, and it would invariably end with someone getting hurt. Good times :)
nothing showed up on my computer, it was just a big empty space. is there anything i am supposed to click on?
That was hilarious! I actually laughed out loud. Job well done guys. It's funny to think that I actually liked being out in the snow when I was a kid. Now not so much.
I have the same problem as Paige...One big black square. //////////////any suggestions ??????
Matt & Devin - that was just terrific! Keep 'em coming.
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