Tuesday, January 01, 2008

2008: the year of the blog

With over 120 posts, the blog is coming into its own a little in its third year of existence. As we all get older, wiser, and more tech savvy (well, 1 out of 3 ain't bad), the blog is now more relevant than ever. However, before we move on to next year, thats take a look back at some of the highlights of the blog over the past year:

"HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! I hope everybody has a fun and safe year. Happy 2007! YAY!" ~paige

"So, how does 2007 feel to everybody? Seven is my lucky number so I have a feeling that this will be an awesome year for our family." ~BJ

"Hi All! Although my life in general can be described as relatively sucky, I would like to share some details about my amazing weekend with the Ettleson tots...So long story short, Sara and I had the most amazing weekend and I hope the kids agree. ~Leah

"happy birthday jamie! sweet 16! i love you!" ~Kim

"Just in case you wanted to know, Sara Rianna will be 27 on March 19th!" ~Laurie


"Hi! Just recently, over spring break, we traveled to Arizona, as many of you know." ~Liz

"Happy 12th Birthday Paige! I hope you have a fabulous birthday and a wonderful year! " ~Sara

"Well, I felt left out....so here goes." ~Jess

"Shalom! For those of you who don't know, I just returned from a fabulous week of doing Birthright in Israel!" ~Kim

"Hey fam! As some of you know, I am deciding to dramatically cut my hair very soon." ~Liz

"Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!!" ~Matt

"After weeks of trying to figure out how to post a blog on this thing, I've finally figured it out. Don't ask why it was so tough - no clue." ~Jeni

"Mike White- our Uncle Mike White- in a gritty all-star performance, has completed yet another triathlon." ~Matt


"...we left for the Iowa Cubs game, which was a lot of fun. It's not the major leagues, but how can you argue with between-innings festivities that include a golf cart driving around the field with a cannon that launches hot dogs into the stands..." ~Matt

Photo Blog ver. 1.5 (update)

"Camp Slaw was so much fun! I would like to thank Grandma and Grandpa for starting this wonderful tradition and making it possible for us to go every year" ~Paige

"Yes...Grandpa and I are truly blessed with such a loving and caring family. Our children and grandchilden are the best !!!!"~Grandma

"On this fine Labor Day weekend, I'd like to post a birthday shout-out to 3 very lovely ladies: Kim (21), Devin (19), and Jessie (25)." ~Sara

"My desk" ~Devin

"Happy Birthday Lizzy!You are now officially a teenager! yay!" ~Paige

"i have my Medical College of Georgia interview on Wednesday and then my Emory interview on Friday... I am very nervous, but SO EXCITED!" ~Kim

"YAY! Kim finally taught me how to post! This is exciting!See you all in 17 days! Happy Hannukah!" ~Jamie

"Wow, BJ found his way back to the blog! It's a Hanukkah miracle!" ~BJ



Anonymous said...

Matt ~ This is an awesome compilation of the blog highlights over the past year! I really enjoyed it! Thank you so much for putting this together. I especially enjoyed the Camp Slaw video -- was that new or previously posted??? I don't remember that background music (which was very artistic, by the way - I like the mood that it set for the video). I hope regular blog-goers continue to visit regularly, and I hope even more people find their way to the blog in 08!

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

wow...that made 2007 seem really long...let's make this year even better!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed revisiting the year. Matt you are very creative. Thanks for putting that together for the fam.

Anonymous said...

Matthew, thanks so much for single-handedly creating the blog and your continued efforts to keep it going! You're awesome! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for putting together that blog compilation. I truly enjoyed it. Let's hope 2008 brings us just as many fantastic family moments.