Thursday, May 10, 2007

Jeni's Thirty OMG

One day after the big event, I wanted to share my thoughts for Jen's birthday. Thank you to all for remembering the day. It seems like just yesterday that she was born, Jeri almost passed out at the sight. I guess she never saw anything so beautiful! Mom had to run to the store for a new going home outfit because it was so unseasonbably warm, and Susie's car broke down on the way to the hospital to visit. I did, however, get my chocolate pastry as promised! Jen ( sorry for the embarassment) has always been a precious gift and has given us so much joy and happiness. So, our wish for her, on this special day, is she receive as much as she has given, and even more than we could imagine for her.

Happy, Happy, birthday dear Jenifer.

We love you sooooooooooooooo much.
Mom and Dad


Anonymous said...

Jen, you were the first to call us
Gram and Poppa. What a thrill for us and the whole family. You changed all of our lives (for the
better)with having you passed from
arm to arm. We all were so excited
in having a baby to "muchkie, love
and adore. Jenifer(with one "n") we
may not "muchkie" you but we'll always love and adore you.
Happy Birthday !!! x x x x x x

Anonymous said...

Jeni never called Gpa Poppa! Give credit to BJ!......C.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy 30th Birthday, Jeni!!! I hope you've had a great week celebrating. I wish we could celebrate with you. I love you and miss you! Love, sara

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jeni! Sorry I didn't blog on the actual day, but I was thinking about you. I wish you all the best and hope you had an amazing 30th birthday. Miss you and love you...

Peah :)