Wednesday, January 17, 2007

spring semester... so far

Well, now that it's been about 1.5 weeks of me being back to school I thought someone might be interested in an update!
My classes are going okay. I am taking a couple of interesting ones, but for some reason none of my professors are capturing my interest or attention as much as I would prefer.
In case you were wondering, my classes are:
Anthropology: Multicultural Healthcare
Cell Biology: People, Plaque, and Parasites

This is a relatively easy schedule (only 13 hours!)because I am also spending a lot of time studying for the MCAT (medical college admissions test). My class meets once a week for three hours, so it's a little boring, but well worth it. Hopefully, come April 16, I will be blowing this exam out of the water! Haha... we'll see!

As for everything else... stu is good, friends are good, SDT is good... and that sums me up!
I would love to hear updates on life from everyone else, so good night and i'll be reading about you soon!

These are my friends! This was our first night back together. The one next to me is my roommate Hadas, the one in the blue is my best friend Erica, and above me is my lifelong friend Jackie... and of course there's me!




Anonymous said...

Hi Kim, thanks for the update!!! I didn't realize that you were taking the MCAT this spring - wow! I'm sorry your classes aren't terribly exciting; maybe they'll pick up soon. Multi-cultural healthcare sounds like it could be interesting. And I really liked the Genetics class I took in college. My professor was the mother of one of the Ettleson's friends. And my best friend was in the class with me, so that helped too. Well, I wish I could give you an exciting update about my life, but alas, I can't think of anything exciting. Work has been really busy. Everything else is status quo. Love you much! ~Sara

Anonymous said...

Kim, your class schedule sounds very interesting to me. But then I understand the professor can do alot to make a subject more or less interesting. Personally, the genetics class sounds most interesting. Genetics constitutes so much of who we are as individuals. I didn't fully appreciate that until I was much older. We should be very grateful for the positive attributes we were born with and make the most of them. And we should learn to accept the less attractive attributes. But we should always be aware that we are not simply a product of our genetics. Environment and self determination play a big part as well. By the way, I think you are the cutest girl in the photo and I'm sure you are the best hugger! Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

WOW !!!! What a beautiful group
you are. Gramp & I are just fine.
We saw a few good movies and of
course, we eat out a lot. We'll be
getting ready for Ca. as we're leaving the 1st of Feb. We are planning on getting together with
your grandparents. 13 hours doesn't sound tooooo bad. You like challenges, don't you? Keep on
blogging (I love it) and you too.

Anonymous said...

Kim, I took some anthropology classes in college and I must confess that they were the most boring and useless classes I ever endured. So, good luck with yours! Thanks so much for the update. It is great to hear from you. And btw you have a very nice looking group of friends. They appear to be the antidote to boring and useless classes! Take care, Aunt Jeri