Where were you 5 years ago?
I was sitting in Spanish class back in 7th grade watching the coverage on television, shocked.
We reflect so that we can remember- we remember so that we can protect our future...
Where were you 5 years ago?
(Feel free to respond in "comments" area)
I was in my dorm room at ISU with my roommate, Suzy. We were awoken by a phone call from one of Suzy's friends telling us about what was going on. We were confused, so we turned on the TV to watch the news. Later there was a campus-wide event held on the quad.
Thank you for your insight on this post, Matt, and for helping us all connect through the good times and bad.
I love you all very much!
I was watching the news in technology class at school when I found out.I was one of the only students in fulton county who got to know what was going on, because soon after the planes hit, the county informed all schools that they could not show or tell us anything about what happened...I just saw it for myself.
I was in first grade. We were sitting on the little carpet at the back of the classroom. My teacher was going over that week's spelling words. All of a sudden every t.v. in the school turned on. We looked over at the t.v. and saw what was going on. My teacher quickly ran over and turned off the t.v. She said as first graders we don't need to know what was going on. Later that day when I got home I found out. I felt so bad for one of my friends because it was her birthday.
I liked what you wrote, Matt. Sorry I haven't wrote at all yet, I've been checking in on the website but I haven't known what to write.
In response to Paige's concern, I encourage bloggers to create posts that provoke thought and invite people to make comments or their own posts. By asking questions like "What was your favorite part of Camp Slaw?" we really get to learn about each other beyond what we already know.
9-11-2001 Who could ever forget the images that we saw on t.v...it was happening but really didn't seem real. My reaction to
this horrible scene was when
Pearl Harbor was attacked.
We didn't have t.v. then so we all huddled around the
radio for breaking news. We
were all in shock just as we
were when we saw the Towers
go down.With it all we must
keep going on with our lives
I was on the road as an admission counselor recruiting for Drake out in a very remote and rural region of western Iowa. I had no students come to meet me at the first couple of high schools I visited that day and I wasn't sure why. Then I think a school secretary told me about the attack or I heard a quick blip about it on a local radio station (not much coverage out where I was) so I decided to cancel the rest of my high school visits that day. I went back to my motel room and watched the events unfold on TV. It was tough for me to process that such a terrible tragedy was happening to our country, for there I was tucked away by myself in the peaceful Iowa countryside. I could tell that this terrorist act was on the confused minds of the students I met with in the following days. To this day, it still hasn't fully hit me how many families' lives were profoundly affected by the attack. I feel like our family is extremely fortunate to have what we have and thankful that it wasn't taken away from us by an enemy with no fear.
I remember 9/11 quite vividly. I was standing with Lizzy outside waiting for the school bus, when my neighbor came out with his daughter to wait for the bus and mentioned that a plane had hit the world trade center building. I pictured a little twin engine plane that got off course flying too low and just clipped the edge of the building. So, when I got back into the house and turned on the tv I was stunned to see that it was a commercial plane that had plowed into the building! I was watching the tv and saw the 2nd plane hit. Then I knew that it was no accident. It was a very upsetting moment. We were under attack! I was riveted to the tv for that entire day and many of the days that followed. It was such a sad time. It really did change our lives. If only the world could get along. To me, it is really important that as a family we love and support each other and that we care about human life and respecting others. If everyone would do this, perhaps we could see a peaceful world. Well, I will keep hoping.......love to all, Jeri
sorry it took me so long to respond.... i was also in spanish class! actually, my friend and i were wandering the halls and went to visit a friend in another class, peeked in their window, and saw they were watching the news... we ran back to our classroom and turned on the t.v.... i saw live coverage of the second crash and the collapse of the buildings... some of my friends had tests and classes that day, but my teachers cancelled class and we watched the news all day
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