Sunday, February 27, 2011

BJ's packin' his bags!

Dear loved ones of the Slaw tribe,

Although I have already leaked this information to a few of you, I have exciting news that gives me the perfect splash with which to make good on my New's Year resolution to be more communicative using social networking.  Thus, my reappearance on Dummyline!  That, and I heard Matt and Daniel were sick of feeling like they were just talking to each other on here.

Anyway, my big news centers around the other New Year's resolution I made this year, which was to use my passport for the very first time.  In less than two months from now, your mild-mannered family goofball will be off on the adventure of a lifetime--to Thailand!!!

The idea sprang up a couple of weeks ago when I was talking with my best friend Jay, who has been living/working in India for nearly a year and a half now.  Jay will be coming back to Chicago in mid-April for a wedding and we will fly out together from Chicago to Tokyo (13 hours!) and on to Bangkok (another 6 hours!)

The plan is to spend two days of sightseeing in Bangkok--this will be the "traveling" component to the trip as I get a feel for a big city across the globe.  Jay has been to Bangkok a couple of times before so his familiarity gives me some peace of mind.  The second leg of the trip will be three days in southern Thailand at a couple of islands--this will be the "vacation" component to the trip as I relax on beaches and find some fun excursions like hiking and kayaking and maybe a pina colada drinking contest.  The final leg of the trip will be another day in Bangkok (including a night by myself once Jay flies to India) before I make the long journey home.  It's a short trip by overseas standards but it was the most time I could take given the school year at Lake Forest is still going on.  I leave right after the online registration period ends for the 2011-2012 year (which I'm coordinating) and get back right before final grades come in and Commencement. 

All travel tips are welcome as I begin to read up on Thailand's attractions.  I'm thinking I will also use this unforgettable opportunity to keep a small journal, not to mention trying my hand at taking pictures with my new digital camera. 

Let's all get back on the blog and share the love this family is reknowned for!
