Saturday, January 30, 2010

Adios Devin leaving Atlanta

Adios to Devin who left last night for Argentina! She arrived today in Buenos Aires, so far so good, she has met her host mom, and sounded very happy. Hopefully she will be posting her own messages and pictures for us all to see.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Update from NYC

Hi all,

Just thought I'd post a blog since it's been awhile. Was great seeing everyone in December!

So if you haven't heard, the biggest news is that I was laid off from my job...again. The budget for our account was cut significantly and they had to let people go. In all honestly, it was a blessing because I was beyond miserable. So now I'm back to being unemployed. I'm actually considering going back to school and changing gears completely. I've applied to NYU to enroll in their drama therapy program (something that has really peaked my interest). I'm also taking one class at the City College of New York to explore their Theatre Education program. I'm trying to create some options and explore new directions because the lifestyle of a PR professional just doesn't jive with our long-term goals.

Rob and I actually just got back from the Dominican Republic for a much needed 5 day rest. We had a great time. The weather was perfect, the beaches were gorgeous. The so great. But it's what you expect from an all-inclusive. I must admit though it was sort of bizarre lounging at a resort when we were only a few hundred miles away from utter destruction. I wondered if any of the left over food from the buffets were going to Haiti. But no-one in the resort wanted to discuss it....

The biggest news is probably that Rob has decided to follow in Uncle Mike and Uncle Shel's footsteps and has grown this hideous gotee. :) Maybe you'll all get the privelege of seeing it soon. We're considering coming back to Chicago for Passover. We'll keep you posted. Our next trip is to Raleigh, NC in March for Rob's cousin's bar-mitzvah.

Other news.... Despite my employment status, Rob and I are still actively on the house hunt. This has been a grueling process and we still are spending most of our weekends in Westchester. We are now widening our search to Jersey, but it's definitely not our top choice. Hopefully we'll find something soon. Love Saric's house! :)

As far as the Abbey vs. Ostoff controversy, I will first not try to be offended that the NY area was not included in the poll. :) All kidding aside, I think we need a change of pace so my vote would be for the Ostoff. Are there any other places that we haven't considered? Isn't the American Club in Kohler supposed to be nice? Is there anything to do there?

So that's that. My longest blog ever. Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you! Love, Jeni

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The poll

See adjacent poll- you only get to vote once, so make it count.
