Monday, December 27, 2010

Chanukah videos

And here are the links to the original trailers in case you want to see those again: (inception trailer) (social network trailer)



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

PwC Case Competition Update!

Hey everyone,

Now that I have finished my final exams, I thought that I could take a moment to update you about a topic from my previous post: the PwC case competition. 

Last week, I was notified that my team and I were selected to travel to New York this coming January to compete as Finalists in the PwC xACT Case Competition! Out of 45 teams (45 schools each submitted one team from their campus) throughout the country, the University of Illinois was one of 5 schools selected to compete at the National competition. We will be competing against some of the best schools in the country. Specifically, the 5 National Finalists are:

1. Bucknell University
2. Emory University
3. Indiana University
4. University of Illinois
5. University of Texas

I am very excited to have this opportunity, and I can't wait to travel New York and represent the University of Illinois on a national stage!

I also can't wait to see everyone this winter break, and I hope all is well,

Love, Daniel

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Brief Announcement

I was accepted to the Feinberg School of Medicine, Class of 2015 this morning!
I have really been looking forward to making a post like this!

That is all,


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Turkey Day to the fam! So excited to have so many family members at our house. Can't wait to see everyone again over the next break.



Tuesday, November 16, 2010

UIUC Update

Well, it is about time I finally get around to making a post on the blog, seeing how I am only about a month away from Finals Week! So, let me update everyone on what I have been up to this fall semester.

First off, I am taking many business courses, 5 to be exact: accounting, finance, economic statistics, business law, and marketing. Ok, so maybe economic statistics isn't really a business course, but I like saying that I am taking 5 business courses. Surprisingly enough, even though all my classes are business focused, all of the professors have very different styles and personalities. For example, my marketing professor enjoys engaging the class in a discussion of real life examples of marketing strategies, while my business law professor is more of a "take notes now, ask questions later" kind of guy. Then again, I pretty much only get to see my finance professor if I am watching him on my computer; all of his lectures are pre recorded and so I get to watch them at my convenience, which has its ups and downs! Overall, my classes are very enjoyable, and although the professors do have different styles, the material in my classes does flow nicely, and I am beginning to see how marketing, accounting, finance, and law departments all work together within a company. Well, I think that is enough about academia for now.

Now onto the more interesting parts of this semester. Currently, I am working on my second Illinois Business Consulting project. With this project, my fellow consultants and I are trying to help a UIUC professor start his own company. Our main responsibility is developing an investor presentation that outlines the company and its new product. Our finished presentation will be circulated to potential investors of this start up company. This project is very different from last semester's project in which I worked with a gas manufacturing company, and I am glad that I am getting a diversified experience while I am participating in Illinois Business Consulting.

And now onto some very exciting news! Before we get ahead of ourselves, let's start at the beginning of the story. In addition to all of my usual schoolwork and extra curricular activities, I decided to participate in a PwC accounting case competition. About two weeks ago, I recruited my roommate, Eric, and another one of my good friends, Steve, to join my team. Eric and Steve found two fellow classmates to complete our team, and the 5 of us were ready to crack the case.

A little background about case competitions and this case may be helpful. First, a case competition involves giving a 12 minute presentation to a panel of judges who will listen to your memorized presentation and the ask a few questions after your presentation is over. The presentation usually consists of solving real business problems or dilemmas within the business community. Generally, there is no right or wrong answer, and creativity is a must! For this PwC case competition, our task (and 13 other UIUC group's task) was to develop a plan for implementing a change to the the traditional GAAP accounting standards. Specifically, should the new standards be adopted all at once, or should they be adopted during a staggered transition period. I know this is all very technical and boring, but this decision will have a big impact on investors, accountants, and companies.

Ok, so back to the story. We got the case two weeks ago, and we got right to work. During the first week of the competition, our team analyzed the case and developed a recommendation. Then, during the second and final week of the competition, we practiced our delivery and presentation skills. This past Wednesday, after much work and practice, we presented to the judges (partners of PwC). That same night, we were announced the WINNERS of the PwC xACT case competition!!! Needless to say, it was a very exciting night filled with much joy and enthusiasm for our entire team! Since we won the UIUC campus competition, our video taped presentation will now be sent to the national judges who will review our tape, and make a decision as to whether or not we go to nationals, which will be held in New York City during January 2011. Out of 45 schools, only 5 schools make it to nationals, and hopefully we can be one of them!

Well, sorry for the Great American Novel, but that is what I have been up to down here in Champaign. I can't wait to see everyone for Thanksgiving and I should be back in town this coming Friday. I also want to say that I am very excited for Jessie, Darren, and baby Jaylen! I can't wait to meet him!



Thursday, November 11, 2010

(minus one) Veterans Day

Today is a special day for veterans, but that's not to say we forget who are veterans are, what they did, and what they mean to us all other days of the year.

Here is a video in tribute to the many days of one veteran's life:

(Disclaimer: before playing, please note that this video is meant solely to be a tribute to Grandpa and is not meant to be upsetting. If the matter is still sensitive to you, watch this video at your own discretion. It's not scary or anything, it just may be a little sad...)


Thursday, November 04, 2010

Congratulations Jessie and Darren!

To Jessie and Darren-

You two now embark on life's great journey: raising a life. You are now parents, and you will have to be teachers and listeners, care givers and chauffeurs, band-aid dispensers and breakfast makers, and whatever else is necessary to give Jaylen your best. It will be amazing watching him grow up before our eyes as it will be watching you two grows as parents.

To Jaylen-

I'm not exactly sure when you will learn to read or be able to understand this, but hopefully the blog is still around when you can, and you can get this message (that was written the day after you were born- that is pretty cool). First of all, you have a very special name. It starts with a J. This is very common in our family, so you will fit right in. Your middle name is also special. It is in honor of a man you will only meet through others' stories and memories of him, but you will know him and remember him as we all do.

You are also very lucky to be born at this time and into our family. You will learn from an early age how important family is, how important you are to this family, and (hopefully) how much you like spending time with us.

You were born at a time when many things are starting to change- from what type of cars people drive to how people interface with computers and communicate with others. You will grow up and take everything new in stride, while the rest of us will be left catching up and thinking about how things were.

For now, just take the world in (babies seem to be good at this), and I hope you are as happy and healthy as possible.


Matt (your first cousin once removed, I think)

And here you are (the first of so many pictures, I'm sure):

Monday, October 25, 2010


A baby will make love stronger, Days shorter, nights longer, Bankroll smaller, home happier, Clothes shabbier, The past forgotten, And the future worth living for.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

When you see the Arch, you know you're there

This past Monday, I drove down to St. Louis to get a taste of the city and Saint Louis Medical School. The drive took about five hours. I saw a wind farm and a lot of corn, some cows, and I think I heard the Nelly song "Just a Dream" approximately 38 times. And one other thing: GPS navigation was invented for people like me.

When I arrived at Kim's place, I took the official tour and was introduced to her cats: Louis and Luna. Luna is Noir-esque in both look and personality: black and shy. Louis, on the other hand, tried to climb on top of me when he saw me. I didn't see it personally, but I bet he meows at the mailman. That night, we had dinner in the Central West End of St. Louis at a restaurant called Pi. We had deep dish pizza, which was similar to Chicago-style with a little St. Louis flair. After that, we drove around downtown St. Louis for a little while. We saw the Arch up close, Busch stadium, the St. Louis stars, and a Chuck Berry-themed restaurant/bar with an Ebay-worthy number of collectibles of anything from baseball cards to a toy version of the band No Doubt. Kim and I also discovered the St. Louis University newspaper, which somehow Kim had neglected all this time...

When we got back, I met Kim's roommates Bethany and Chris. Both were very nice and wished me luck for my interview the next day. After that, we all went to bed because we were getting up early in the morning for class.

The next morning, I had my first ever medical school lecture (although not as an official student yet). I felt a little awkward sitting there in my suit while everyone else had jeans and sweatshirts, but a little class never hurt anybody. The anatomy lecture went through the cross-sections of the lower leg with a professor named Organ (I am not making that up, trust me). After the lecture was finished, Kim went to anatomy lab, and I endured what was to be the most difficult part of my day- trying to find the library. Eventually, I found it, and I think after that I was pretty familiar with most of the main medical school building.

After another anatomy lecture, this time about lower body joint anatomy, I joined up with the other applicants (there were about 20 of us), and we toured the school for about an hour. We saw the student lounge, the hospital, the library, some nice auditoriums, the simulation center, the standardized patient room, and the histology lab. Then came lunch with applicants and a second year med student. We were able to ask him questions and just chat about the school and med school life in general.

Then came the fun part. After a short financial aid presentation, I went over to the children's hospital to have my interview (I had to go through two tunnels to get there). My interviewer was a very nice woman, and the entire interview seemed very relaxed. There were no big surprises. Overall, I think the interview went very well.

After my interview, I met up with Kim at the library, and we drove back to her place so I could change and pack up. We said our good-byes, I thanked her for letting me stay at her place and showing me around St. Louis, and then I was off and back to real life.

My final takeaway from the entire experience is that I believe St. Louis University is a place that I could see myself in down the road, and I hope that the school feels the same way about me.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Senior Year

To those in the family who are not on Facebook/still check the blog, this is for you.

My roommate Carl and I have moved into our new apartment (pictures below), and my class schedule is a little different than usual. I have only one traditional class- biochemistry- which has midterms and quizzes. I have an advanced chemistry laboratory course that occupies my afternoons on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am also beginning an independent study project that counts for a credit each quarter that I am involved in it. The ultimate goal is to complete a scientific project for myself, hopefully produce a senior thesis, graduate with honors, and put a nice capstone on my Northwestern career. This year has a different feel academically to my previous years at Northwestern. I'm excited to get things underway.

In the medical school admissions process, I am between application submission and waiting for interview offers. I currently have three interview offers (St. Louis, University of Illinois, and Case Western), the earliest of which is on Oct. 12, when I will driving down to St. Louis. This is all also very exciting. I am only looking for an opportunity to start another journey, although I am trying to not look ahead too far too soon.

Below are some of the pictures of our apartment. Please keep in mind that we are still in the process of decorating. I look forward to seeing most of the family next weekend.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

some new reading material


So, since there seems to be a demand for more posts and it looks like I haven't posted in almost a year (what?? i know, crazy) AND because I should be studying, I decided that it is about time for an update of my life.

My second year here at SLU and in St. Louis is so far, so good. As you all do or should know, I am repeating the first year curriculum in order to make up for the classes that I didn't do well in/didn't take last year. Therefore, I am in human anatomy again. It is going much better this time, judging by my grade on the first exam, and hopefully this post won't be too long and I will get back to studying for my second exam! I am understanding everything better this time around and I actually like it a lot more.
The new class has a different personality than my old class, and I haven't quite figured them out yet. I am slowly finding my place and I have made a few new friends. I am running for a class officer position in order to really feel like I belong in this class. If I get it, I will be a Community Service Coordinator, so I will seek out and inform everyone about community service opportunities around town. I am also already a co-leader of an interest group called Child Abuse Prevention where we go to elementary schools and teach children about which kinds of interactions are okay and who you can trust to tell about any uncomfortable situations. In addition to those things, I also volunteer at our student-run clinic where we take histories, vital signs, give advice, (there's a doctor to prescribe medications and do physical exams), give vaccines and do blood draws. The phlebotomy (blood work) is actually my favorite part, although I do enjoy talking to the patients as well.

As for the non-SLU part of my life, I am overall very happy. I live in a duplex house with two friends from last year (my previous roommate Bethany, our two cats, and our guy friend Chris). It is going even better than I anticipated, which is such a relief. I am still seeing Mike, and we make as much time for each other as we can, whether it's meeting at the gym for an hour or setting up a date night to make dinner or see a movie. My days are usually busy and even my downtime has to be penciled in.

Since camp slaw I have had several visitors. Right afterward, my mom and paige drove me back here, my best friend from home, Erica, came for a weekend, and my dad came for Labor Day/my birthday weekend, which were all lots of fun! I am very excited that Matt has an interview here and is going to be visiting for a couple days! It'll be exam week again, so he will get to see what med school is really like, lucky guy :) Of course we will squeeze in some time to tour the city and probably get some St. Louis BBQ or pizza thrown in there!

That's about it! I'll throw in a couple pictures just for fun, but I suppose I should get back to learning/memorizing the countless parts of the head and neck!my roommates (being silly)

mike and me

family visiting!

Love you all and hope everything is going well for you too!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What has happened to our wonderful blog?
I miss having frequent posts!

Friday, September 03, 2010


Jessie, We hope that you have a wonderful birthday! Do something fun to celebrate!!!! With lots of love, Aunt Jeri

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Happy Birthday Devin!

Happy Birthday Devin. Enjoy the Spanish-themed ballon. Hope you have a great day!


Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Happy Birthday Kim!

Have a great day! Enjoy the balloon. Hopefully everything is going well at school.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma Bobbie!!!

Happy Birthday! I am just getting this message in under the wire! I hope that you had a wonderful birthday. I enjoyed sharing part of the day together. I wish you a very happy birthday with many happy returns! With lots of love, Jeri

Thursday, June 17, 2010

NY Update


Haven't posted in awhile so I thought I'd give you an update. Thanks to everyone by the way for their birthday wishes!

Rob and I bought a house in Ossining, NY. It's about 35 miles north of Manhattan in Westchester County. We are scheduled to close next Tuesday (6/22). We're getting really excited, but it's been a pretty chaotic process. The house is a 1600 sq ft colonial with four bedrooms and an awesome back yard. While we'll miss life in the city, we're not too far away. It will be nice to be around grass and trees again! We'll be moving in mid-July and we're really excited that Mom and Dad will be here for the big move.

Meantime, I've been continuing to do freelance PR --working from home. My project right now is the annual July 4th Nathan's hot dog eating contest (not sure if you're familar -- it's on ESPN every year). My client is actually Pepto Bismol who is sponsoring the event this year. Funny stuff.... Rob is still doing his thing at Showbiz and is oh so excited for his new commute. :)

We hope everyone is doing well and we are excited to see everyone at the end of July. I'm sure Devin has many stories to tell about her adventures in the southern hemisphere!....

Lots of Love,
Jeni and Rob

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Birthday Jeni!!

We miss you Jeni! We hope that you have a wonderful birthday. Wishing you all the best. Many, many more happy and healthy birthdays. With love, Aunt Jeri

Thursday, May 06, 2010


I cannot believe that you are turning 21 today! Where have the years gone? I hope that you have a great birthday! I am looking forward to celebrating with you on Sunday. This post is from your Mom who loves you very much.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

HAPPY 15th BIRTHDAY, PAIGE!! Good luck on your permit test this afternoon!


Monday, April 05, 2010

Something's on my mind...

I don't know about you guys, but there is something on my mind...

Oh yeah, happy birthday Darren!

The 80's

Also Matt ;)

Friday, March 26, 2010

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa

Hope you guys have a great day! Hope Grandpa is feeling good today, gets his exercise in, and I hope the Comcast stuff gets sorted out :)


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Our visit to BA

First Happy Belated Birthday to Sara as well, sounds like you had a fun birthday weekend! We had a great time visiting Devin in Beunos Aires, Argentina. She looks great, seems to be adjusting to their culture which means eating late, going out late, and sleeping little! We enjoyed her being our tour guide around the city and we also explored some places that she had not been yet. Our former exchange student from years ago, Eze also showed us around and his family took us to a tango show and also to a soccer game which was a lot of fun. His mom also took Devin and I shopping! Its the end of their summer there now, so the weather was perfect! We will miss her but know she will enjoy her next few months there! We also got to see Jamie a little bit during spring break and Kim and some of her friends coming and going through Atlanta on their way to their cruise. Look forward to being in Chicago for Passover!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy (belated) Birthday Sara!

Matt was supposed to have posted yesterday for Sara's birthday, but he had some kind of lapse. So, although I am a day short, I wanted to take a minute and post to wish Sara a very happy and healthy birthday with many happy returns!!! I hope that you did something fun on your birthday. With much love, Aunt Jeri

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2nd Semester at U of I

Hello everyone,

I thought that I would just take a few moments to update everyone on what I have been doing for the past couple of months. To say the least, it certainly has been a busy semester so far.

On the academic side of things, I am taking 5 classes. I am just beginning to start some of my business core classes. Right now, I am taking Accountancy 1, Economic Statistics, and Microeconomics. These three classes are part of the the business core curriculum; so all business students must take these classes. These classes are not super interesting, but I do find them enjoyable and very applicable. I am also taking two general education classes in Social Psychology and World Religions. For all of my academic classes, midterms are finally over, so that is quite the relief.

Outside of the classroom, I working hard to get involved. Both this semester and next fall semester I will be the Vice President of Job Placement for Finance Club. Basically, I am responsible for handling the mock interviews and the resume critiques for the members of Finance Club. Working with Finance Club has been a great experience, and I hope to add to the club in my upcoming years at U of I. In addition to Finance Club, I have also started working on a project for Illinois Business Consulting. Right now, I am working on a team that is made up of 7 students ranging from PhD's & MBA's to undergraduates like myself. Our specific project involves helping a specialized gas company introduce a product into a new market. I am extremely excited to be gaining some experience working with real businesses in the community.

And now for the fun stuff! A few weeks back BJ, Matt, and Jakey all came down to Champaign for an Illini basketball game. We started the day by having lunch at Firehaus, and then we made it over to Assembly Hall for the game. Unfortunaltey, the Illini came up short as they were defeated by Minnesota (and thus explains why Minnesota is in the NCAA tournament, and not the Illini). Even so, we had a great time. After the basketball game, we took a tour around campus, seeing such landmarks as the Business Instructional Facility (BIF), Foellinger Auditorium (or just the Auditorium for the pre 1985 alumni), the Illini Union, and the ARC. To sum up, it was a great time, and I look forward to many more visitors in the future!

Well, last, but certainly not least, is the fact that tomorrow signals the start of my Spring Break. It is a much needed break, and I look forward to catching up with everyone over the next week or so!

I hope everyone is well,

Love, Daniel

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Adios Devin leaving Atlanta

Adios to Devin who left last night for Argentina! She arrived today in Buenos Aires, so far so good, she has met her host mom, and sounded very happy. Hopefully she will be posting her own messages and pictures for us all to see.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Update from NYC

Hi all,

Just thought I'd post a blog since it's been awhile. Was great seeing everyone in December!

So if you haven't heard, the biggest news is that I was laid off from my job...again. The budget for our account was cut significantly and they had to let people go. In all honestly, it was a blessing because I was beyond miserable. So now I'm back to being unemployed. I'm actually considering going back to school and changing gears completely. I've applied to NYU to enroll in their drama therapy program (something that has really peaked my interest). I'm also taking one class at the City College of New York to explore their Theatre Education program. I'm trying to create some options and explore new directions because the lifestyle of a PR professional just doesn't jive with our long-term goals.

Rob and I actually just got back from the Dominican Republic for a much needed 5 day rest. We had a great time. The weather was perfect, the beaches were gorgeous. The so great. But it's what you expect from an all-inclusive. I must admit though it was sort of bizarre lounging at a resort when we were only a few hundred miles away from utter destruction. I wondered if any of the left over food from the buffets were going to Haiti. But no-one in the resort wanted to discuss it....

The biggest news is probably that Rob has decided to follow in Uncle Mike and Uncle Shel's footsteps and has grown this hideous gotee. :) Maybe you'll all get the privelege of seeing it soon. We're considering coming back to Chicago for Passover. We'll keep you posted. Our next trip is to Raleigh, NC in March for Rob's cousin's bar-mitzvah.

Other news.... Despite my employment status, Rob and I are still actively on the house hunt. This has been a grueling process and we still are spending most of our weekends in Westchester. We are now widening our search to Jersey, but it's definitely not our top choice. Hopefully we'll find something soon. Love Saric's house! :)

As far as the Abbey vs. Ostoff controversy, I will first not try to be offended that the NY area was not included in the poll. :) All kidding aside, I think we need a change of pace so my vote would be for the Ostoff. Are there any other places that we haven't considered? Isn't the American Club in Kohler supposed to be nice? Is there anything to do there?

So that's that. My longest blog ever. Hope everyone is doing well. Miss you! Love, Jeni

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The poll

See adjacent poll- you only get to vote once, so make it count.
