Monday, May 25, 2009

Daniel receives 4 awards, Lizzy gets nominated!

I wanted to let everyone know that Daniel received 4 awards last week at Stevenson's Senior Award night. He got an award in English, Chemistry, Math, and Spanish. This was very exciting! We are incredibly proud. I know that he will continue his stellar academic career at U of I.

Lizzy is one of 10 nominees for Daniel Wright's most prestigious student of the year awards. It is a big honor to be nominated. The winner will be announced at graduation. In any case, she is already a winner in my book! There will be no stopping her at Stevenson!!

Just wanted to share! Jeri

Thursday, May 21, 2009

time for another change

The last time I really wrote an update was in January when I moved to Augusta.

Well, the time has come when I am leaving Augusta!
Tomorrow is my last day working at Logan's Roadhouse and then I will be on the road to Atlanta for Jamie's graduation weekend and the rest of the summer!
I plan on taking a couple of classes at the community college, maybe getting a part-time job (Georgia Plastic Surgery will usually hire me back ;)  just kidding) and spending time with my family and friends before I move again.

I am officially going to attend Saint Louis University School of Medicine!
I am so, so excited and I can't wait to finally be doing what I have been waiting for for all this time. I will be moving to St. Louis sometime in mid-late July and my white coat ceremony (when I officially become a med student) is August 2. 

I can't wait to be able to talk about my first couple of weeks in med school when I see you all at Jeni and Rob's wedding!
Speaking of which, I will see a bunch of you next weekend at the shower!

So...that's my life!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JENI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Taking a page from Jake's book. Looks like its up to a sib to post the "happy birthday" message! As Jen's one and only sib by blood, excluding inlaws (sorry Darren), here it is!


Although I'm sad this is yet another birthday we won't be able to spend with you, I know Rob will make it a special one. And its not like we're not going to see you in like 3 weeks!

I love you,


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Happy Birthday Matt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrttttthhhhhhdddddayyyyyyy Jakey

Friday, May 01, 2009

I Got Myself a Job!!!!!


Its been a while, but I thought I'd share my excitement with you. I just accepted a job offer as an Underwriting Examiner with Allstate Insurance. For those of you who didn't know, I have been working on a career in insurance for the last year or so. My layoff at Smurfit in February was just the jump start I needed to really agressively pursue it and now it has paid off. I will keep you all posted on how it goes, but I really do have high hopes that this is going to be a great opportunity for me. Stay tuned.... Love, Jess