Monday, June 25, 2007

"Iron Mike" does it again

Mike White- our Uncle Mike White- in a gritty all-star performance, has completed yet another triathlon. When I asked him what his goal was for this event, he said, "I don't have a goal. I just try to do the best I can do." From where I am standing, he accomplished his goal, finishing first in his age division (of which there are at least 2 members :) ). Also worth noting, he is planning on being a running partner for a visually handicapped friend. An athlete and a volunteer- is there anything "Iron Mike" can't do?


(sorry uncle mike, I tried to keep it low key)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I finally remembered how to do this!

Hi everyone!

After weeks of trying to figure out how to post a blog on this thing, I've finally figured it out. Don't ask why it was so tough - no clue.

First of all, thanks to everyone for their kind birthday wishes and gifts. I must say that it is a bit odd moving into a whole different decade, but I had a great birthday here and it made becoming offically "old" not quite as bad. :)

Things here are pretty good. Work is very busy and I'm going to be going on a business trip to Louisville in a couple of weeks. Rob and I just booked a cruise that leaves out of NYC and stops in Saint John Island, Canada. It will really be more about the boat and less about Canada. :) Anyway, we both had taken some time off 4th of July week so we thought this may be fun. This comes on the heels of us just getting back from an awesome trip in Vegas so yes, we're definitely traveling a lot. We keep pretty busy here. Gone to some really great restaurants lately, seen a couple of great plays...actually went to the ballet last weekend (Rob survived). Hoping to head to the beach out on Long Island on Saturday but who knows if the weather will hold up.

I was thinking about all of you on Father's Day. I must say that it's really tough missing those occasions. I haven't been to a bbq in like 4 years. That's one thing you don't get in the city! Was there TAS? And as I read the blogs, it seems I missed one of Jeri's famous speeches! Oh well...

Anyway, I'm psyched to see everyone at CS. Love and miss you all, Jeni

Jakey riding his bike

Here is a video of Jakey riding his bike sans training wheels for the first time without any help.


Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy birthday dad and thanks for being such a great person! Today is Michael Berry Ettleson's 49th birthday!!! One more year 'til the big 50. Enjoy it!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there!!


I encourage any comments in the form father's day messages to all the dads and grandpas (well I guess there's only one Grandpa)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

so long to the spun gold (for now)


P.S. I am in the process of changing my email to if you want to send me an email, please use this address

Monday, June 04, 2007

Locks of Love

Hey fam! As some of you know, I am deciding to dramatically cut my hair very soon. I do not have a set date and time yet, but according to Mom it will be before school's dismissed on June 12. For as long as I can remember I have not hade a true haircut, despite trims, so this will be quite a milestone for me. Hopefully it will turn out great and I will like it! If anyone has any suggestions for places to go, let me know. No, I cannot go to La Bueate :( I am also planning to do Locks of Love so Mom would prefer a participating salon. Just thought I would let you know. Take care!

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Hello! Jamie and I leave for camp tomorrow. We will be returning home on June 28. We love getting letters and writing to people. If you write us, then we will respond. Our address is:

4165 Highway 129 N.
Cleveland, GA

Then just put either "Paige Lincenberg" or "Jamie Lincenberg" above that. I hope I hear from you! Bye. <3, paigey